i did, however, go to belo horizonte this past weekend, for a costume party. myself, lukas, and rianti, took the train there on thursday. it was a really long train ride, about five hours, because it goes quite slowly, and stops frequently. also, it was really uncomfortable. the train wasn´t air conditioned, and had leather seats, and it was about 95 degrees, and the wind was just hot, so it wasn´t too refreshing. the other weird thing was that once we got to the outskirts of bh, we had to close all the windows, because the favela kids will try and jump on the train, and throw shit at it and stuff. that just made it even hotter for the last half hour.
BUT, once we got to bh, it was really cool. it FINALLY rained, it was just sort of drizzling when we were on the platform, but once we got to the street, this torrential downpour started, which made me feel even grosser than i was (the train left me in a layer of sweat and dirt, so i was jonesing for a shower) but it was still nice, because it has rained ONCE since i´ve been here, so it was really dry. i got to the house i was staying at (with bette and rui, who are the people i stayed with when i was there a month ago for rotary) took a shower, and then sat around chatting with rui and his daughter, camila.
anyhow, the next day was a hectic one. the party that i came to bh for was a costume party, and it was open bar, so you had to be eighteen to enter. it made getting ready for the party quite hectic., because some people needed fake ids, and stuff for costumes, and so we (myself, pin, yoko, rianti and lukas) were scrambling around bh for about three hours, until we finally had everything we needed, and me and rianti went to get ready at our friend amy´s house. between all the showers, hair teasing, and crazy make up, it took three hours for the four of us to look like this:

for reference, i was a devil, rianti was an australian slut, and lexi and amy were stone age sluts.
the party itself was really fun. they had great music, and everyone was dancing and drinking (although i sat it out, i didn´t feel up to it) and the costumes added an air of fun that other parties haven´t had. there was even a guy who went as a penis, which was so absurd i could barely believe it.
and then finally, around four, or shortly after, me and a group of intercambistas left, and we were all starving, so we went to mcdonalds, which is the only place we could think of that would be open, and around five thirty, i took a cab to my apartment. (i could´ve walked, but everyone was saying it was too dicey), took a much deserved shower (the floor of this party quickly became covered in beer, vodka, dirt and mystery liquids, and i was wearing flat sandals, so my feet were black, not to mention my body was covered just like the floor was) and as the birds were chirping, went to sleep.
the next day, when i finally woke up, and ate and all that, a group of exchangers met at koyote, and we were all awfully subdued, we just sat around drinking water and then went to tosco burgeur, than saw a movie in savassi (super bad, it was ridiculously funny). we didn´t really do anything specifically, but i love the exchange students, so it´s just nice to get to hang out with them.
anyhow, the next day, i just came back to timoteo, so that´s nothing to hoot or hollar about.
so tune in next time for next weeks exciting brazilian adventures!
1 comment:
i like how you are all some type of slut. nice
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